Soul Sovereignty Sessions
Soul Sovereignty is spiritual freedom. It’s when you seek no outside source or external authority to provide you with answers because you have all the answers inside you- your soul knows. We are meant to receive our power directly from Divine Source, but we are so used to living our lives constantly engaging in energetic exchanges where we give our power away to others, often without realizing it. Think of your energy the same way you would think of currency. Through this in depth analysis of your Divine Soul Blueprint, we look at who and what are you spending your time and energy on that is depleting your energetic bank account. Chances are if your energetic account is in the red, your actual finances are going to reflect this as well, and so is your physical health! So we will look at each life area where you are using a specific energy that isn’t serving your highest good, then find actionable ways to shift out of that energy so you can see the results manifest in positive ways in your life. As we slowly let go of these attachments, we begin to fully embody our Sovereignty.
*Soul Sovereignty Sessions are a component of the 3 Month or 6 Month Transformational Offering or the Golden Rose Priestess Path