What is a Priestess?

Art by Lars Doerwald

A Priestess is someone who is in tune with her body, her intuition and the seasons/cycles of nature. She knows the phases of the Moon because it is her Goddess just as the Sun is her God. She bleeds in sync with the Moon and she feels the magnetic pull on her body just as it has the power to pull the ocean tides. She commands the elements- Earth, Water, Wind and Fire- because she knows everything in the world is made up of those elements and that when you connect them to the 5 senses, you tap into the 6th sense- Spirit- which exists in all living things. She knows her soul is made up of the same stuff as stars and so she is intimately acquainted with the sky- she sees the reflection of Heaven and Earth. She recognizes that everything outside of her is a mirror of what is inside of her, including the relationship to self and others, so she takes full responsibility for who and what she attracts into her human experience. She understands the balance in all things- in nature, the Universe and in ourselves- because once you acknowledge the polarities, there must be a union between the two in order to become One…to remember you are Whole…to remember you are Holy. This balance of yin/yang, of masculine/feminine, of darkness/light is the Holy Divine Union- the Hieros Gamos- which Yeshua and Mary Magdalene embodied in their relationship and taught to others. She is Sexually Sovereign, a true Virgin in every sense of the word, meaning she seeks no one outside herself, including any man, to complete her because she is already complete through her union with the Divine. She knows her body is a Temple, a sacred Vessel of the Divine, purified in Spirit, while still understanding her sexuality is where her healing powers are, connecting her to the Source of all Creation and Manifestation- her womb, aka the Holy Grail. She is a Sourceress- fully accountable for who and what she spends her energy on, self-sourced through her union with the Divine. She is a Conscious Creatress, A Manifesting Maven, a Holy Healer and Divine Mother- with or without children. She understands her place in this world, living her life in service to others, through her embodied example as a Sovereign Soul, while also showing them The Way, just as Yeshua and Magdalene did in their time. She is the most powerful Creator in existence because without her, there would be no existence. She is the Priestess. It’s time for you to reclaim your power and re-member who you are and where you come from…are you ready to become a Priestess too?

  Rose Codes Priestess Package


This in depth nine week 1:1 mentorship package includes hourly Soul Sovereignty Sessions each week with Tatum (9 total). You will also receive a spiritual attunement in your Akashic Record with the Master Guides of the Rosa Mystica High Council. You will be given access to 9 Clearing/Repatterning videos which hold codes of Sexual and Spiritual sovereignty for homework in between sessions.

Please note: you must have had an Akashic Record Reading/Clearing with Tatum prior to starting this program. See Rose Lineage Page for more details on the Rose Codes Priestess Package. Payment plans available- please fill out contact form for details.